9 Jul

Scroll watcher directive for Angular 1.5.7

Here is a directive I came up with to help with keeping track of page scroll position and when scrolling has started and stopped. I had a need for this in trying to hide page content while the user was scrolling up/down a page, and then re-showing the content once the scrolling had stopped. Currently this is only setup up to work at the document level, but and easy modification could be made to allow a new property to drive what scroll area is being monitored. I hope this helps others in case they need a way to tell if page scrolling has started or stopped.

How to Implement

Simply add the directive to the page you want to monitor scrolling on. Next add the scroll-callback function you want to be called from directive when scrolling starts and stops

<div page-scroll-watcher scroll-callback="cntl.scrollStop($event, isEndEvent, isScrollingEvent)">

Callback Function
Note: sample code is in ES6 format. This is an excerpt from a angular controller

 //$event is the standard scroll event from the browser. This contains the X,Y information
 //isEndEvent signals when scrolling has stopped
 //isScrollingEvent signals when scrolling has started
 scrollStop($event, isEndEvent, isScrollingEvent) {
    if (isEndEvent) {
      this.showBottomBar = true;
      this.showBottomBar = false;

Now that we have the how to implement lets get to the good stuff. The code that makes this all work
Page Scroll Directive
Note: code is in ES6 format

//this would just need to be registered with your Angular app
import angular from "angular";
import * as _ from "lodash";

const directivesModule = angular.module("MyDirectives", [])
  .directive("pageScrollWatcher", ["$window", "$document", pageScrollWatcher]);

function pageScrollWatcher($document) {
  return {
    restrict: "A",
    scope: {
      scrollCallback: "&"
    link: function (scope) {
      //here could be updated to use the element this directive is attached to if needed to watch a scrollable div container
      const el = angular.element($document); 

      //here we delay evaluating the scrolling events until they have stopped
      const dbnce = _.debounce(function (e) {
        //send event that scrolling stopped
        scope.$apply(function () {
          //execute the provided callback
          scope.scrollCallback({ $event: e, isEndEvent: true, isScrollingEvent: false });

        //register first scroll interceptor. Since scrolling has stopped we now need to register a start scrolling event binding
        el.bind("scroll", firstScrollFunc);

      }, 200);

      const firstScrollFunc = function (e) {
        //so we have detected the scrolling needs to start. Since this is a one time event between starts/stops we need to
        //unregister the start scrolling event
        el.unbind("scroll", firstScrollFunc);
        scope.$apply(function () {
          //execute the provided callback
          scope.scrollCallback({ $event: e, isEndEvent: false, isScrollingEvent: true });
          //We do this incase angular removes dom parts causing the scroll bar to disappear or change.
          //we need to trigger the end event again 

      //on first load of directive register the start and stop events
      el.bind("scroll", firstScrollFunc);
      el.bind("scroll", dbnce);

      scope.$on("$destroy", function handleDestroyEvent() {
        //when switching pages remove event
        el.unbind("scroll", dbnce);
        el.unbind("scroll", firstScrollFunc);


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